On the 70th anniversary of the appel du general Charles de Gaulle, Nicolas and Carla travelled to London, where the appel took place from the BBC Head offices.
Charles de Gaulle's words that day - exactly 70 years ago on June 18, 1940 - called on the French never to abandon the struggle against the Nazi invaders. 'The flame of French resistance must not and will not be extinguished,' he thundered.
Today, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla visited the BBC to celebrate the event. They will meet Prince Charles, pay homage to De Gaulle's statue in West London, and lunch with David Cameron at Number 10. The Sarkozy's also met Prince Charles.
Judging from the pictures, it seems that the two ladies got on really well together. Carla even flicked a fly from Samantha's dress! We are looking forward to seeing them again working together!
Check a gallery at Sky
Also see a video of the visit to BBC here!
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1287528/Sarkozys-London-visit-bask-French-war-heroism--theres-little-celebrate.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz0rEGiqfWJ