Sunday, February 7, 2010

Carla gives interview to RTL, confirms visit to India and Haiti

Carla gave an interview to Harry Roselmack and they spoke about several affaires concerning France (Villepin in particular), about her visit to Bening and also about her role. In the interview she confirmed a visit to India in March or April and a possible visit to Haiti in May, but still unsure due to the situation.

She also described herself as a "bit of an ermite":

J'ai toujours vécu comme une ermite. Et cela ne s'arrange pas avec le temps. Je ne suis pas forcément quelqu'un de très sociable. Et en tout cas, je n'ai pas envie d'intervenir sur les sujets d'actualité à tout bout de champ. [...] Moi, je répugne à m'exprimer quand je suis incompéténte ou ignorante. Certains devraient peut-être d'ailleurs suivre mon exemple, cela ferait des vacances à tout le monde. Il me semble que ce qui intéresse les Français, c'est ce que je peux faire pour eux. J'essaie d'être utile, voilà tout."
Translation by Google Translate:

I have always lived as a hermit. And this does not improve with time. I am not necessarily someone who is very sociable. And in any case, I do not want to speak on the topics at every turn. [...] I reluctant to speak when I am incompetent or ignorant. Some may need to also follow my example, it would make a holiday for everyone. It seems to me that what interests the French, that's what I can do for them. I try to be helpful, that's all. "

You can view a short video here on the Villepin case

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